AP Music Theory: Sample FRQs

1. Question:

Given the following four measures of a melody in the key of C major, complete the phrase by adding four additional measures, making sure to include appropriate harmonic progression and voice leading.


| Measure 1 | C | D | E | D | | Measure 2 | E | G | F | E | | Measure 3 | G | E | C | B | | Measure 4 | C | F | G | C |

Response Guidelines:

  • Continue the melody using voice leading principles (smooth motion between voices).
  • Include appropriate harmonic chords and progressions.
  • Ensure that the harmony supports the melody and respects the key of C major.

2. Question:

Identify the chord functions in the following harmonic progression and provide Roman numeral analysis.


| Measure 1 | C | G | C | F | | Measure 2 | G | C | G | C |

Response Guidelines:

  • Provide a Roman numeral analysis for each chord in the progression.
  • Identify the functional relationships of the chords (e.g., tonic, dominant, subdominant).
  • Discuss how the chords resolve or move within the progression.

3. Question:

Listen to the following excerpt and transcribe the melody for the first eight measures. Indicate the time signature, key, and any accidentals in the transcription.

Response Guidelines:

  • Transcribe the melody accurately.
  • Provide a time signature (e.g., 4/4, 3/4) and key signature.
  • Notate any accidentals that appear in the melody (sharp, flat, natural).
  • Ensure proper notation of rhythmic values and pitches.

Grading Rubric for AP Music Theory FRQs

The AP Music Theory exam is scored based on specific criteria, including the demonstration of theoretical understanding, accuracy in notation, and the ability to apply music theory concepts. Each FRQ is scored on a scale of 0-9 points.

Content and Analysis (0-6 points)

  • 0-1 points: The response demonstrates little to no understanding of the question or music theory concepts. There are numerous errors in notation or analysis.
  • 2 points: The response demonstrates a limited understanding of the concepts but has significant inaccuracies. The analysis is partially incorrect or incomplete.
  • 3 points: The response shows a basic understanding of the concepts. Some aspects of the response may be incomplete or unclear, with minor errors in analysis or notation.
  • 4 points: The response demonstrates a solid understanding of music theory. Most aspects of the analysis and notation are accurate, but there may be a few minor errors or omissions.
  • 5 points: The response demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and accurately applies music theory principles. Minor errors may exist but do not significantly affect the overall understanding.
  • 6 points: The response is complete and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the concepts. All analysis and notation are correct, and the response shows depth of understanding and application of music theory principles.

Organization and Clarity (0-2 points)

  • 0 points: The response is disorganized and difficult to follow. The notation is unclear or incomplete.
  • 1 point: The response is somewhat organized but may have some unclear or messy notation. The analysis may be difficult to follow in places.
  • 2 points: The response is well-organized, with clear and accurate notation. The analysis is easy to follow and logically structured.

Use of Music Terminology (0-1 point)

  • 0 points: The response does not use appropriate music terminology or does so incorrectly.
  • 1 point: The response uses appropriate music terminology and notation, demonstrating an understanding of key concepts and principles (e.g., chord functions, voice leading, melodic structure).

Sample Grading Breakdown (for one FRQ)

  • Content and Analysis: 5 points
  • Organization and Clarity: 2 points
  • Use of Music Terminology: 1 point
  • Total: 8 points

These sample FRQs are designed to reflect the types of questions on the AP Music Theory exam, covering areas like harmony, melody, ear training, and transcription. The rubric ensures that responses are graded on both their theoretical accuracy and clarity. Let me know if you need more practice questions or a more detailed explanation of any of the concepts!