AP Psychology: Sample FRQs

1. Question:

Classical and Operant Conditioning
Your friend is trying to train her dog to sit on command using positive reinforcement. In your response, be sure to:

  • Define classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
  • Explain how positive reinforcement can be used to train the dog to sit.
  • Provide an example of how classical conditioning and operant conditioning might each be used in this scenario.

Response Guidelines:

  • Define classical conditioning as a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus, while operant conditioning is a form of learning in which the probability of a behavior is increased or decreased based on the consequences of the behavior.
  • In this case, positive reinforcement involves providing a reward (e.g., a treat) when the dog sits on command, increasing the likelihood of the behavior being repeated.
  • Classical conditioning could be used by associating the sound of a bell with food, making the dog sit when hearing the bell. Operant conditioning would reinforce the dog’s sitting behavior with a treat.

2. Question:

Memory and Forgetting
Imagine that you have recently studied for an AP Psychology exam, but when you sit down to take it, you realize you can’t recall important information. In your response, be sure to:

  • Define short-term memory and long-term memory.
  • Explain the concept of forgetting in terms of encoding failure and retrieval failure.
  • Discuss strategies you could use to improve memory recall during the exam.

Response Guidelines:

  • Short-term memory holds information for a brief period, while long-term memory stores information for a prolonged time.
  • Encoding failure occurs when information is not processed into long-term memory, while retrieval failure occurs when the information is stored but cannot be accessed.
  • To improve memory recall, strategies such as chunking, mnemonics, or retrieval practice (testing yourself on the material) could help.

3. Question:

Personality Theories
Two students, Maria and Sarah, have very different approaches to handling stressful situations. Maria is calm and takes a step back, while Sarah tends to react emotionally. In your response, be sure to:

  • Define trait theory and social-cognitive theory of personality.
  • Explain how these two theories might explain the differences between Maria and Sarah’s reactions to stress.
  • Discuss how these personality theories help psychologists understand human behavior.

Response Guidelines:

  • Trait theory suggests that people have stable characteristics or traits that influence their behavior, such as introversion or extraversion. In this case, Maria may have traits like emotional stability and Sarah may have traits like emotional reactivity.
  • Social-cognitive theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the role of cognitive processes and environmental influences on behavior. It may suggest that Maria’s calmness is a result of learned behaviors and cognitive patterns, while Sarah’s emotional reactions stem from different personal experiences and thought patterns.
  • Both theories offer valuable insight into personality and how it shapes individual responses to stress.

Grading Rubric for AP Psychology FRQs

The AP Psychology FRQs are graded on a scale of 0-6, with points awarded for clarity, accuracy, and the application of psychological concepts. Below is an example rubric based on the College Board’s exam requirements:

Classical and Operant Conditioning (0-6 points)

  • 0-1 points: The response demonstrates little to no understanding of classical or operant conditioning.
  • 2 points: The response explains classical and operant conditioning in a basic or incomplete way, with limited application to the dog training scenario.
  • 3 points: The response provides an adequate explanation of classical and operant conditioning and applies the concepts to the dog training situation.
  • 4 points: The response clearly defines both types of conditioning and offers an effective application to the dog training scenario, with some examples provided.
  • 5 points: The response demonstrates a thorough understanding of classical and operant conditioning, offering detailed and accurate explanations and multiple relevant examples.
  • 6 points: The response is comprehensive, demonstrating deep knowledge of classical and operant conditioning, with clear, accurate explanations, multiple examples, and detailed analysis.

Memory and Forgetting (0-6 points)

  • 0-1 points: The response demonstrates little understanding of memory processes or forgetting.
  • 2 points: The response defines memory types and offers some explanation of forgetting, but the answer is incomplete or lacks detail.
  • 3 points: The response adequately defines short-term and long-term memory, explains forgetting, and discusses strategies to improve recall.
  • 4 points: The response provides a clear and thorough explanation of memory types, forgetting processes, and useful strategies for memory improvement.
  • 5 points: The response demonstrates a strong understanding of memory and forgetting, offering detailed and accurate explanations and strategies for memory recall.
  • 6 points: The response is comprehensive, demonstrating deep knowledge of memory and forgetting, with clear, precise explanations and multiple relevant strategies for improving recall.

Personality Theories (0-6 points)

  • 0-1 points: The response demonstrates little understanding of personality theories or fails to apply them to the scenario.
  • 2 points: The response defines trait theory and social-cognitive theory but provides only minimal application to the scenario.
  • 3 points: The response defines both theories and explains the differences between Maria and Sarah’s reactions, but the analysis may be incomplete.
  • 4 points: The response clearly defines both theories and applies them to the scenario, explaining Maria and Sarah’s differences in detail.
  • 5 points: The response provides a thorough and detailed analysis of both personality theories, with insightful and accurate explanations of how they apply to the behavior of Maria and Sarah.
  • 6 points: The response is comprehensive, demonstrating deep understanding of personality theories with nuanced analysis, clear examples, and accurate application to the scenario.

Sample Grading Breakdown (for one FRQ)

  • Classical and Operant Conditioning: 5 points
  • Memory and Forgetting: 6 points
  • Personality Theories: 5 points
  • Total: 16 points (for all three FRQs combined)

These sample FRQs assess core concepts in AP Psychology, including learning theories, memory, and personality. Let me know if you need more questions or further clarification!