AP Spanish Literature and Culture FRQ Practice

1. Literary Analysis: Poetry


Read the following excerpt from the poem "Rima LIII" by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer:

*"Rima LIII" (Bécquer)

Volverán las oscuras golondrinas
En tu balcón sus nidos a colgar,
Y, jugando, llamarán…
Pero aquéllas, ¡ay!, ¿quién sabe?

After reading the excerpt, answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the central theme of the poem. How does the speaker convey a sense of loss or nostalgia?
  2. Identify and analyze the literary devices used by the poet, such as symbolism or personification, and explain their impact on the overall meaning of the poem.
  3. Discuss how the imagery in the poem contributes to its emotional tone.

Response Guidelines:

  • Provide a clear analysis of the theme and literary devices in the poem.
  • Be sure to support your analysis with specific examples from the text.
  • Organize your response logically and focus on the emotional and literary effects created by Bécquer.

Grading Rubric:

  • Level 5 (Excellent):
    The response provides a detailed and insightful analysis of the theme, literary devices, and imagery, with specific examples from the text. The argument is well-developed, and the writing is clear and sophisticated.
    Score: 5 points
  • Level 4 (Good):
    The response covers the main points, with a clear analysis of the theme and literary devices. Some examples from the text are provided, though the analysis may lack depth or completeness.
    Score: 4 points
  • Level 3 (Satisfactory):
    The response addresses the theme and literary devices but may be shallow or somewhat unclear. Some support from the text is provided, but there may be a lack of specificity or focus.
    Score: 3 points
  • Level 2 (Limited):
    The response is underdeveloped or unclear, with minimal analysis and few references to the text. Grammar or organization may hinder the clarity of the response.
    Score: 2 points
  • Level 1 (Weak):
    The response is minimal or incorrect, lacking clear analysis or evidence from the text.
    Score: 1 point

2. Literary Comparison: Prose


Read the following passage from Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes:

"En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor."

Compare this passage with an excerpt from La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca, and answer the following:

  1. How do the themes of personal identity and societal expectations emerge in both works? Compare the protagonists and their struggles within their respective societies.
  2. Identify and analyze the use of setting in both passages. How do the authors use setting to reflect the internal conflict of the characters?
  3. Discuss the narrative style in both works and its impact on the development of the themes.

Response Guidelines:

  • Analyze both passages in terms of themes, characters, and setting.
  • Provide specific examples from both texts to support your comparisons.
  • Organize your response to clearly highlight similarities and differences.

Grading Rubric:

  • Level 5 (Excellent):
    The response provides a detailed and well-organized comparison of themes, characters, and setting, supported by specific examples from both texts. The analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of the literary works and their impact.
    Score: 5 points
  • Level 4 (Good):
    The response clearly compares the works with relevant examples from both passages. The analysis may lack some depth, but it is organized and mostly thorough.
    Score: 4 points
  • Level 3 (Satisfactory):
    The response addresses the key points of comparison but may lack clarity or sufficient evidence. Some points may be underdeveloped.
    Score: 3 points
  • Level 2 (Limited):
    The response is unclear or underdeveloped, with minimal comparison between the two works.
    Score: 2 points
  • Level 1 (Weak):
    The response lacks meaningful comparison and does not address the key elements of the question.
    Score: 1 point

3. Cultural Context: Literary Works in Their Historical Setting


Select a work from the Spanish literature canon that you have studied and discuss how it reflects the historical, political, or cultural context in which it was written. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the historical or political context of the work? How does this context influence the themes or characters in the work?
  2. How does the author use literary techniques (such as symbolism, irony, or characterization) to engage with the political or cultural context?
  3. In what ways do the ideas or themes in the work continue to resonate in today's world?

Response Guidelines:

  • Focus on one literary work and discuss its historical and cultural context.
  • Provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis of themes and techniques.
  • Reflect on the relevance of the work in contemporary times.

Grading Rubric:

  • Level 5 (Excellent):
    The response demonstrates a thorough understanding of the historical and political context, with detailed and specific examples from the text. The analysis is insightful and well-organized.
    Score: 5 points
  • Level 4 (Good):
    The response clearly addresses the context and its influence on the work, with relevant examples. The analysis is generally clear and well-developed.
    Score: 4 points
  • Level 3 (Satisfactory):
    The response addresses the historical context but may lack depth or specificity in examples. The analysis is clear but may not be fully developed.
    Score: 3 points
  • Level 2 (Limited):
    The response is underdeveloped or lacks specific examples from the text. The analysis may be unclear or overly general.
    Score: 2 points
  • Level 1 (Weak):
    The response is minimal or incorrect, lacking a clear analysis of the historical context.
    Score: 1 point